Samstag, 12. Februar 2011

The week's lament

Actually, I'm a very happy, sunny girl, I smile the whole day, laugh at everybody and got a simple life. ( to my mind, it's depending of the way to think if something is complicated or not)

This week, it was different. I was tired, I was always slightly depressed, every little thing was a challenge, the unimportant things became important and ruined the day.
I didn't sleep well and this didn't make it better (surprise...)
I even snapped at my friends.
They were great. They had so much patience and were really kind to me. I really have to thank them when I have some energy again, they are angels!

Next week Tommorow, it will be over. Not because of anything but because either my foul mood stops or I need some reeeaaaally good meds :-)

good evening to everybody

2 Kommentare:

  1. Oh my god! If I did know that you were so sick, I would have been MORE kind to you! But I'm glad to read that you are happy and I have no doubt that you were my angel today! Thanks to you and to your "Nastüechli", of course!

  2. No emphasis for the lady with the lipstick! XD
